Monday, October 06, 2008

exercises in cynicism and hope (2)

sometimes I wonder whether deep down at the core of my being, I am just cynical -- that I superficially espouse all these nice sounding platitudes about how all these all these great organizations and groups are doing all this great world in the world in order to cope with the fact that I actually believe that all these institutions are corrupt at the core and no true change will ever come of them. (we are just in survival mode. the least common denominator).

or whether I really do believe that good is possible and that hope is real and that we can create a more whole, in the sense of shalom, way of living in this world, and that anyone can be an agent of this change.


M. Weed said...

It's pretty hard not to be cynical at this particular time. Don't feel bad about it. Everybody's in a bunker.

l e i g h c i a said...

to be honest, when you witness goliaths becoming humbled (what you thought was impossible), you begin to feel a bit hopeful.