when words lose their meaning (4)
I'm sick of postmodernism*
I don't want to sit around having discourse on hegemony, disapora, mimesis, hybridity, fragmentation, semiotics, dialectics and identity construction. I don't want to keep asking questions that do not have answers. I don't want to keep asking questions for the sake of asking questions.
I don't just want to talk about justice, love, truth, wholeness and life. (I don't just want to talk about justice as an equality of potential contingent upon cultural and historical positioning, or love as a consummation of libidinal impulses, or truth as a negotiation and production of reality through texts, or the definition of a lifestyle of wholeness as a totalizing normalization of certain codes of behaviour that creates the category of the deviant, or life as the perpetuation of social practices, simultaneously constituted by and acting upon the biological form as a medium of transmission.)
I want Justice, Love, Truth, Wholeness and Life.
I'm sick of postmodernism.
Disguising itself as the champion of the oppressed, the vindicator of critical thought and the herald of intellectual honesty, it quickly disintegrates into complacent consumerism and words that don't mean anything anymore.
It is a poor substitute for Justice, Love, and other things that I desire.**
*Thoughts and brief academic catchphrases inspired by The Rise and Fall of Literature.
**That is, when I'm not too busy desiring other things such as a nice haircut, a comfortable apartment with hardwood floors, a new pair of shoes, and a plasma screen TV.
(When everything is said and done, nothing is really said, and nothing has been done that has not been undone).
man i'm surprised you've put up with it for so long! it's been less than two years for me and i'm tired of it already
lol :) I didn't really get to dig into it until junior/senior year. I was really fascinated at first, but now it's gotten pointless... it doesn't go anywhere.
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