Saturday, July 08, 2006

God is not

God is not white.
He is not male. (Nor has he created female to be inferior to male).
God is not American.
He does not hate gays, transexuals, lesbians or women who have had abortions.
God is not a capitalist.
God is not a tyrant.
He does not want to deprive us of joy.
He has made sex to be good.
He turns water into wine.
God wants us to enjoy life and enjoy Him.
He wants to serve us.


M. Weed said...

God is also not tolerant, politically correct, laissez-faire, progressive, regressive, or otherwise subject to the whims of man's shortsightedness... only the same yesterday, today, and forever, and slow to anger and abounding in love.

l e i g h c i a said...

years and years of misrepresentation and misunderstanding