Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Just a reminder to my very small handful of subscribers that this blog has been moved here to tumblr: http://yellow-noise.tumblr.com/ where I will continue my usual short posts consisting of quotes, but also hope to do more substantive writing over the next few months.

Monday, September 12, 2011


I seem to start a new blog whenever I start a new season. (My choice of platform may also reflect changing Internet trends: self-hosted --> xanga --> blogger --> tumblr).

I started a new season over a year ago, but it's taken me a year to get back on my feet and write again. Please find me here: www.yellow-noise.tumblr.com

(I'm finally abandoning my 7th grade internet alias. No more leighcia. Too bad I still have my embarrassing 7th grade email that I still use for all those frequent buyer miscellaneous rewards programs.)

(For the time being, I will keep most of this blog up, but may be deleting some of the more personal entries.)